We know that a white design is tempting. Although, we can agree that adding a touch of color is exciting. Discover 5 ways to infuse some color.

Adding color doesn’t need to be all in. It can be used as you desire which can most definitely light up the space and elevate the design.

Independent of you being color-shy, neutrals loyalist, or a color maximalist unsure of where to start. We will explain to you 5 easy ways of adding a bit of color, from the wallpaper to furniture and decor.

Keep it Simple

Photography credits to Dazey Den

We know that painting an aisle can be overwhelming. However, before going into a swatch-induced panic, take this piece of advice from interior designer Dani Dazey. Choose a primary and secondary color in a room and then, whenever possible, match it in accents and decor.

Starting with this methodology will keep the space balanced as you add decorative pieces. If you feel adventurous try out an accent wall or small shape mural.

Here we will show you some ideas of how to do it:

Photo by: @placeplaceplace.place courtesy of 
Photo: @pieces_by_an_aesthetic_pursuit courtesy of 

Use Color in Art, Rugs, Furniture as Anchors

Using larger decorative features as the starting point is a clever way to assure the room remains cohesive. Like this example from the artist and designer Angela Chrusciaki Blehm.

She took the color cues from the art into the whole space and went from there. In the furniture and in the walls she chose big color blocks to complement the art. If you don’t choose a specific piece of art, you can start with a key furniture piece or a statement rug. It will define the main palette.

Go as bold as you desire with a color-blocked accent chair and complementary paint color or find your accent color amidst the multi-toned hues in the living room-s are rug. Having a color anchor is definitely a turn of the game.

Use Architecture as Your Cheat Sheet

Your house has some original architectural features or quirks. Why don’t you take advantage of that? This can be the perfect vehicle for pops of color. Making these features part of the plan, by using them in some places and ignoring them in others is a great way to pick and choose what you need to achieve balance. Wainscoting, wall panels, chair rails, built-ins, and lightning coves are all prime real estate for color experiments that will play as a special detail in the room.

Punctuate with Throw Pillows, Planters, or Other Decor Accents

Another way of adding a pop of color to the room is through mindful patterns. Avoiding overly busy and intricate patterns keeps the “noise” levels down and contributes to a colorful and bold not overwhelming environment.

Instead of going overboard with colorful patterns, sprinkle them around the room in the form of small accents in pillows, vessels, and sculptural pieces.

Consider Temporary Wallpaper

If you rent a place and are looking for a temporary solution this might be the right option for you. This option like Tempaper will save you time and money, for instance. There are a ton of modern patterns from which you can choose and bring some interesting visuals to the walls without being too much.

Feeling inspired to add some color to your home or maybe a next design? Follow up with some other ideas and articles and enjoy!

Credits to: Design Milk