Chinese Feng Shui Philosophy has already been featured in some articles, regarding general rules, living rooms, or entryways. However, we’ll take the opportunity to talk about this philosophy within the outdoor areas.

Chinese Feng Shui Philosophy

If you aren’t familiar yet with feng shui philosophy, let us explain, that this Chinese concept focuses on the free flow of qi (energy). This is possible when there is harmony between the forces ruling the world and our lives. 

luxury outdoor design

This Chinese philosophy aims to plan spaces in a way that serves good physical and mental health. But also, happiness and overall well-being.

outdoor area

Luxury Objects

So the most important concept, that you should always keep in mind, is to keep positive vibes at home, that will bring good energy and make your life better.

chinese philosophy

Outdoor area is a prolongation of our house, so we should plan it according to the Bagua map, which determines appropriate areas for designed activities, based on energy.

outdoor design

Some people even plan the whole outdoor area according to the map, but you can also implement only the ground rules, having the map in your mind. 

outdoor design

For example, the northern part is associated with personal development, career, and therefore with the knowledge or the element of earth – in this part of the garden it is worth creating a place for contemplation, enrich the surface with stone elements.

chinese Feng Shui

The most important rule when it comes to designing an outdoor area according to feng shui is the rule of keeping everything simple and natural.

outdoor design

 Everything, even if it was planned and specially designed for the space, should look like an imitation of nature. Try to keep the balance between yin and yang elements. 

Luxury Outdoor Design

outdoor design

Water in Chinese feng shui philosophy is the equivalent of life, so a pond, a fountain, a small river, or a pool will definitely enrich the space with tranquility. 

Feng Shui Philosophy

Additionally, don’t forget that one of the most important premises of feng shui is to keep things organized and neat. 

outdoor design

Space should be harmonious and pleasant, so don’t leave any gardening tools or other unnecessary items lying around. 

Chinese Feng Shui

The free flow of energy will facilitate garden paths. 

Chinese Philosophy

chinese Feng Shui

They should not be straight, because the energy will move too quickly and escape.

outdoor design

We recommend curved paths where the energy encounters e.g. stone statues, figurines, walls which will keep it for longer. Trees and shrubs have a similar effect.

Chinese Feng Shui

What’s really important and probably interests everyone is the plants! To maintain balance in the garden between the elements of yin and yang, plants should be planted in equal amounts.

outdoor area

The ones with long leaves, creeping, growing near the ground (yin) and those growing upwards and climbing (yang).

outdoor design

The yin greenery has a calming effect on the composition of the garden while the yang dynamizes it. In this way, harmony and balance keep aligned.

Chinese Feng Shui Philosophy

Also, gardening is a key to success here, cause we can’t have any dead plants around! And above all, try to make the place the coziest possible. In your garden, you should be able to feel the same as in nature. It should make you relaxed and peaceful.
